團體戲院包場、公播洽詢 ☎️ 佳映娛樂 (02)-2720-6007 🕖 建議聯繫時間:週一至週五 10:00—18:00
Book a cinema, public presentation edition ☎️ +886 2 2720-6007 🕖 10:00 AM-18:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
導 演:路易賽侯尤斯 Director:Louie Psihoyos
影片類型:紀錄電影 Genre:Documentary
語 言:英文(中文字幕) Language:English ( Chinese Subtitles )
片 長:88 分鐘 Run time:88 min
上映日期:2022 年 8 月 5 日 Realease Date:August 5, 2022
2015年,兩位諾貝爾和平獎得主:南非榮譽大主教戴斯蒙屠圖(Archbishop Desmond Tutu)、西藏第十四世達賴喇嘛(His Holiness the Dalai Lama),在印度達蘭薩拉相聚五天共敘友誼,並攜手回答來自全球關於喜悅的提問。兩人同樣歷經苦難與暴行,卻始終堅守非暴力、慈悲為懷。他們以切身感悟,和世人分享生命的喜悅之源。這場世紀對談不但處處閃耀智慧的光芒,兩人不時手牽手、互相逗弄,更讓觀眾見證一段不朽的傳奇友誼。
Deeply moving and laugh-out-loud funny, Mission: JOY is a documentary with unprecedented access to the unlikely friendship of two international icons who transcend religion: His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Archbishop Tutu. In their final joint mission, these self-described mischievous brothers give a master class in how to create joy in a world that was never easy for them. They offer neuroscience-backed wisdom to help each of us live with more joy, despite circumstances.
Inspired by New York Times bestseller The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, the film showcases the exchange between these two Nobel Peace Prize winners that led to that book.